I Can
Remember the old children’s story about the engine that could? He kept telling himself, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” And by positive thinking he was able to propel himself over the difficult hill.…
Remember the old children’s story about the engine that could? He kept telling himself, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” And by positive thinking he was able to propel himself over the difficult hill.…
God has created our bodies with an amazing capacity for healing. Little cuts and bruises heal on their own because God built that into our systems. More serious injuries or surgeries require more serious treatment. But usually, with the help…
Do you remember the account of Jesus praying in the garden just before His arrest and crucifixion? He prayed for His disciples, and He prayed for you and me. How John knew what He prayed I do not know, but…
Human beings are created by God with imagination. That’s part of being made “in the image of God.” He has the greatest imagination - unlimited and beyond comprehension. I love to look at flowers or spend time in a zoo…
One of the biggest problems we have today is communication. In the family, the work place, in the church. Technology has made more communication possible. But do people rely on their gizmos too much and avoid being together? What are…
There’s something special about going home. It may be a place where we grew up or a place that holds favorite memories. It may be a new location where we just feel “at home.” Some people have lived their whole…
Some fine words can be overused to the point that they lose their effectiveness. That’s what happened to the word awesome a few years ago. Everything was awesome. A meal, a conversation, an article of clothing, a game etc. etc.…
When I challenged a friend recently about using his artistic talent, I realized that I had not written a song or a poem for a long time. It’s therapeutic to use one’s gifts. I knew that, but hadn’t been practicing…
I really enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles. We usually have one going at our house. It’s something that the whole family can participate in, so I don’t have to solve it all by myself. Fitting the pieces together is tricky, but…
Aren’t you glad that some things are temporary? In fact, most things are. Few things last forever. In God’s economy He has designed a few things that are eternal. So maybe we should focus on those things. But we tend…