Modern philosophers and new age enthusiasts have tainted the word “meditation,” As a result, many Christians have shied away from it because of its association. What a shame that so many old words have been ruined in our time. The…
Modern philosophers and new age enthusiasts have tainted the word “meditation,” As a result, many Christians have shied away from it because of its association. What a shame that so many old words have been ruined in our time. The…
Every year at Christmas and Easter time I make it a point to focus on one character or aspect of the Biblical accounts of these miraculous times. This Holy Week I’ve been trying to put myself in the place of…
On my recent trip to Germany I experienced what I call modern day miracles. Miracles, technically speaking, are happenings that defy natural or scientific laws. Something only possible through a divine agency. Of course, I call that “agency” God Almighty.…
Several years ago, when I was working for a radio network, I had to fly to each station location in a small 4-seater plane. On one of those trips we hit some turbulent weather and we were bouncing up and…
I have a question and a concern. Hope it’s not too controversial. It has taken me a long time to summon the courage to broach this subject. Here’s the question: What do you wear to church worship services? What is…
I have a daughter-in-law who actually likes doing the laundry. That’s good, since she has raised six children. She enjoys providing clean clothes for her family. Many times I’ve observed her ritual of carefully folding each of piece of clothing…
Oldness. Is there such a word? The Bible talks about newness. So I figure there must also be oldness. And I’ve been feeling a lot of that lately. The body wears out. The knees creak. The hips ache. The teeth…
’Tis the season of gifts. Giving and receiving happens as at no other time of the year. I wonder how this tradition escalated to the extreme that it is in most households. To be sure, we need to learn how…
Every Advent season I choose an aspect of Christmas on which to meditate. It’s a way to focus on a specific person or event over a period of several weeks. That way I enter into the meaning of Christmas in…
Sometimes it’s good to be part of a minority. Sometimes we want to be part of a majority. It depends on the issue, of course. With Thanksgiving coming this week, I’m reminded of a minority that I want to be…