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Most of us do a lot of listening. We listen to the radio, to podcasts, to things on Youtube. We’re surrounded by sound in our homes, in our cars, in the stores, in school. Lots of sound. Lots of noise.

I love listening to the sound of our family laughing when they are together. I enjoy listening to beautiful music, especially live music at the symphony or the choir at church. On the other hand, I don’t like the noise of motors or yelling or glass shattering. Deaf people have an advantage there.

Sometimes we can choose what we listen to. But random noise is unavoidable. When I do have a choice, am I making a wise one? To whom do I listen? What news? What preachers? What music? What criticism?

The bottom line is: am I listening to God? He’s the source of truth and love. He’s the most important person in my life. So I’d better listen carefully. How do I do that? By reading and absorbing the words of the Bible. And by being still to listen as He whispers to my heart.

“I will listen to what God will say; surely the Lord will declare peace to His people, His godly ones…” (Psalm 85:8, HCSB). “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’”(Isaiah 30:21).

There’s more to the process than just listening. I should approach God with trust and determination to do what He says. James 1:22 is an important admonition. “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (NIV). There’s the proof that we have really listened and really care about what God has said.

When it comes to making important decisions in life, I have often wished that God would write clear instructions in the sky. Instead, I have to wrestle with the general principles in God’s Word and pray for His guidance in the specifics. Sometimes the answer is obvious. Sometimes not. But the Lord has promised to shed His light on our pathway. ““Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105 NIV).

How’s your hearing today? Are you listening with ears and heart wide open to what God is saying?

“Listening” from the album “Singing On.”


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