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We are all prone to complaining. But when those negative thoughts come to mind, I try to balance them with another perspective that causes gratitude in my heart and mind.

For example – when I go for a walk, I feel the pain in my knees and back. But I try to look beyond that and be thankful that I can walk. It may be at a slower pace than some, but I’m not in a wheelchair. The air may be too warm for my liking, but I’m thankful for the cool breeze that moderates the sun’s heat. I’m in Florida for the winter now, so I’m glad I don’t have to bundle up to take my morning stroll.

When I walk, I enjoy all the beauty around me. Especially the variety of colors. My eyes may not be as sharp as they used to be, but I can still see. And thanks to large print books, I don’t have to labor to avoid any blurriness when I read.

Sometimes I hear things I wish I hadn’t. But I can hear the birds singing, children laughing, music lifting my spirit, and raindrops watering the earth. Sounds that make me appreciative for functioning ears.

It would make life easier, I think, to have more money. But I have some – more than most people in the world. And true wealth isn’t calculated in dollars, but treasures in heaven. God has blessed me with love, grace, mercy, understanding and forgiveness. How rich I am!

We older people complain about forgetfulness. “Senior moments,” we say. But at least I have many treasured memories. My brain still functions. I can think and reason and continue to study God’s word. So yes, I’m thankful.

Now please don’t think I’m just on a soapbox touting the “power of positive thinking.” I just want to be challenged and challenge others to trust God and nurture a thankful spirit. That always needs to override negative complaining. I often think of the simple phrase in Scripture that says: “And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)

What are your complaints today? How can they be transformed into thankfulness?


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