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What will today bring? Sometimes all goes as planned. Sometimes we think that we have today all planned out, and then everything changes. Sometimes we have no idea what to do with the present day God has given us. We’re just floundering.

But who has any guarantee of today? Or tomorrow? Life is fleeting, and our time on earth can end in a split second. My husband and I have known that since our 17 year old siblings both died suddenly years ago. We’ve lived with that reality and God has used it to challenge us to live today with eternal purpose.

Today might hold a surprise. Even a shock. But whatever comes, I can live confidently, knowing that God is ultimately in charge of it all. Jesus is preparing a place for me that is far better than anything any of us enjoy in this old troubled world, so I don’t need to fear anything. Are you ready to meet Him? Or are you too busy to think about eternity?

James wrote about the mistake of putting too much stock in  our own plans. “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit’; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:13-14).

I hope these thoughts don’t depress you. If you are filled with the hope of Jesus’ coming again, then we can live positively. We embrace joy because “the best is yet to come.” What if Jesus were to come today? Now that’s a celebration I’m looking forward to! I used to hope that He wouldn’t come until I had the chance to get married and have a family. You might have your own idea of what you’d like to happen first. But the older I get, I realize that nothing is better than being with Him. And the worse things get here in this crazy, mixed-up world, the more I long for His coming. Are you ready for that? And excited at the possibility?

“I’m Ready for Your Comin, Lord” from “Keep Walkin.”


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