We measure lots of things. Our height. Our weight. The distance we travel. I measure the ingredients when I’m baking. I set the timer. I wear a pedometer that counts the steps I take each day. I check the clock…
We measure lots of things. Our height. Our weight. The distance we travel. I measure the ingredients when I’m baking. I set the timer. I wear a pedometer that counts the steps I take each day. I check the clock…
We had a guest speaker at our church recently who told about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Though I have little interest in mountain climbing, it was fascinating! What possesses someone to have a desire to do something so difficult?…
In my last blog I talked about letting go. One of the things we sometimes have to release is a dream which we have clung to for a long time. But let’s look at the other side of the coin.…
There are times in life when we need to let go. Let go of things, people, dreams, attitudes. It’s not easy, especially when they have been a part of our lives for years. For instance, I was a singer for…
Pies are my specialty. The other day I had a hankering for custard pie. Since my husband doesn’t care much for that, I decided to make it more interesting by making a pumpkin custard pie. I found what looked like…
Color is one of the most beautiful facets of God’s creation. I thank Him regularly for such an inspiring gift. What would my world be like without it? Rather dull, I’m afraid. One of my dear friends is blind. My…
I’ve been eating humble pie for some time now. It’s served to me frequently, even when I don’t ask for it. I’m sort of getting used to the taste, but it’s not delicious.. I used to be a choir director,…
I miss singing from the old hymnals. As a voice teacher, I know the advantages of holding your head up as you read from the screen in the front of the church. But as a book enthusiast, I miss holding…
I asked my doctor the other day how many patients he has. He thought about it for a moment and said, “I think about 5,000.” “Wow,” I said. “Can you remember them all?” He assured me that even though he…
Anyone who knows the Kriegers very well knows that we travel a lot. I mean a lot! While some people are content to stay in one place all of their lives, we take to the road and discover new and…